Monday, April 27, 2009

Transfer tomorrow!

I cannot believe it is here already! This past week and half have been a little crazy. It feels like there is only one thing between me and pregnancy: getting at least one of those little embryos to stick. To me, this is unbelievable. I cannot seem to get my head around it. Hope begins to come out from the corners of my mind, and moves toward center stage. That is really scary for me. I still have the 'believe it when I see it' mindset. That is how I have learned to survive this IF journey. I am starting to feel that this may actually work. On the other hand, I know how devastated I will be if this does not work. If it does not work, the result is going to feel way worse than any IUI cycle. We put a lot of work into this.

But everything looks so good, so far. My ovaries produced a lot of fantastic eggs. Hubby's boys did all the right things and fertilized those eggs. (Well, they did have some help. ICSI takes a lot of the guesswork out of the process.) Those embryos seem to be growing really well. It sort of freaks me out, if you want to know the truth. Probably the only concern the entire cycle is over stimulation. Which has been a minor player, but not enough to cause any problems, apparently. I know it has made the cycle a bit hellish for me here lately. This could actually work.

Fortunately I go back to work by the end of the week, so I will have that to distract me. I think. Because I have been fairly open about this, I am sure I will get a lot of questions. And hopefully people will help me to take it easy. I probably do not want to be doing a whole lot of heavy lifting. But the Wizard knows what I do, so he will understand, I think.

Other randomness...
Just feeling really tired and bloated today. I just feel very full, with a tiny bit of nausea underlying it. Fun times.
It is a really nice day, but I cannot get the energy to get up and go sit outside. Sad but true. I ran errands most of the day today and I am now very, very tired. I just want to lie down on the couch.
I really want a chaise or an adirondack chair and an umbrella for the deck. That would be the bomb.
Hubby is very excited about transfer and the possibility that this cycle could work. He is sort of like a child about it. Though I doubt he will stay in the room for the ultasound guided transfer. He is a real wuss about medical stuff. If he does stay in the room for the entire procedure, I will be very impressed.

Anyway, I think that is about all I have right now.
More later, promise...


Unknown said...

Good luck tomorrow at your transfer! How exciting that it is tomorrow. I will be rooting you on and looking forward to your update. :-D

'Murgdan' said...

Good luck!!! I'll be thinking about you!

Jessica White said...

Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers your way!!!!!!!

Queenie. . . said...

I am SO glad everything is going well. Fingers crossed for you. I don't recall seeing it before--have you decided how many you are going to upload?

Nadine said...

Best of luck tomorrow!

Megs said...

Good luck with the transfer!! Will be thinking about you!!

annacyclopedia said...

I'm thinking the best thoughts for you for transfer and beyond! Good luck!

Serendipity said...

wow the time seems to have flown by. Good luck for your transfer, sending loads of positive thoughts your way.