Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day had not improved.

And I am pissed.  And taking it out on my keyboard.

Baby was up at 4 AM this morning wanting to nurse.  Then he woke at 5 AM.  By 6 AM, I was up.  Baby has now had breakfast and is back down for a nap.  But mommy is tired and crabby as she has been up by 5 AM every morning.  Either with the baby or getting ready for work.  All I wanted was a day to sleep in.  Apparently I do not get those now.

And then he would not nap at all today.  Not once.  Which means that mommy has not had a break.  At all.  And baby has been crabby and fussy all day, no matter what I try.  So not fun.  I am about ready to scream.  Unfortunately, baby is in the crib doing that right now.  Notice that he is screaming instead of sleeping.  Honestly, mommy had had enough.  He can be crabby by himself in the crib if he is not going to sleep.  I am done.

The only bright spot is that we have a sitter tonight, and we can drink.  I hope like hell he SLEEPS tonight!  I want a worry free evening!


Mrs. Higrens said...

I agree. Except we don't have a sitter for tonight so no drinking here.

Can I just say here how aggravating it is that DH uses his 6 digit salary as a reason he can sleep in on the weekends? Grrrrrr.

Hope in Virginia said...

Hope you get to enjoy numerous glasses of wine tonight! Sounds like you more than deserve it.

Jessica White said...

I hope you enjoyed yourself....I don't like those days that start with no sleep and continue with no sleep *hugs*

LaShawn Wiltz said...

I've just come to realize that I won't be sleeping in again until this child is MUCH older. So So sad.