Thursday, September 1, 2011

Finally made it to September.

But it was close! I think August was trying to do me in.

This week brought an ear infection, and my period. Fun times over here.

Things are starting to look up, though. We now have a new baby sitter to add to our small list of sitters. She is sitting for us this Saturday. Our first weekend date night in a month! Both of us are looking forward to it.

I also have labor day off, so I only work one day next week. Hooray for holidays!

I actually managed to take the jogger stroller out. Finally. Unfortunately, it was over 80 degrees, there was a big hill at the beginning (and end) of my route. Jogging outside is a completely different experience than jogging on a track. And trying to manage the stroller on top of that! Needless to say, I did not run a whole lot, though I tried. I did get in about 2 miles overall, so it was still a bit of a workout. I may try a different trail and see if that works. I also may try somewhere I can let Little Guy play on a playground after the run. It is only fair. And it may give me a chance to stretch after my run, which makes my body feel better. Need to think on this more...

I am going to try to hit the gym this afternoon. Considering he is just getting to sleep for his afternoon nap, I think that fits in well with the gym's schedule. It is much easier on my body jogging without the stroller. At I can just zone out at the gym. Then we can hit the pool for a little swim time!

I also hacked my blog a bit. I am trying a hack which will allow me to reply to comments directly. So if you get email from me or my blog, that is why. If I do not like it, I may remove it. But I do think it is stupid of blogger not to have that option for the comments. Overall, I love blogger, except for the inability to respond directly to the people who comment on my blog. That is about the only reason I would move to wordpress. I like how wordpress shows all the conversations in the comment section, too. Why is blogger so resistant to conversations in the comment sections?

Anyway, I am really glad this week is almost over. I get to go to the zoo tomorrow morning, and then our housekeeper comes and cleans our house! I love having a clean house. Even if it is only clean for 5 minutes.

1 comment:

Nadine said...

Good luck with the jogging stroller, running outside is so different from inside, it's like it's not the same exercise! Don't get discouraged, it's a big adjustment running with a stroller, but it will get easier.