Friday, September 16, 2011

Thinking about it...

I am thinking of making the move to wordpress.  I am fed up with the blogger comment system, and third party comment systems are not working for me.  I just feel too separated from my readers.  I have played with wordpress a little bit, and it seems like it would be a good move.  I will be better able to respond to comments, and the blog would be able to grow with me.  I just need to play with it enough to get a blog set up the way I want.  Hopefully it will happen over the next week or two.

I had my first run with my other moms on Thursday.  It was good.  I liked how it felt to run with other moms.  It felt good.  Looking forward to the run next week.  The pace was good, and I probably could have run longer, but I did not want to overdo.  Now I really ought to sign up for the race.

I have been recording food with WW again.  I may even have a IRL person I can get support from.  That will hopefully help both of us stick with it and succeed.

My weekend is going to be slow.  No babysitters are available, so we are doing date night at home.  But our stay-cation is next week, so we will get more time together then.

Hope your weekend is relaxing and fun!

Now I am going to enjoy the last of nap time while it lasts.


LaShawn Wiltz said...

Do it! Move to wordpress! It makes everything so much easier!

Anonymous said...

Definitely do it! I love Wordpress. A total class act.

Jessica White said...

I've played around with wordpress in the past, but I don't like that I can't customize it as much as I can blogger. I, too, have been having issues with all the 3rd party commenting things people have been using.

Enjoy your time together and staycation!