Monday, January 4, 2010

And still waiting...

OB fly-by was uneventful. BP was slightly lower than last week, at 130/80. Everything else looked good, too. Cervix is still high, though. Baby is in no hurry to go anywhere yet.

My OB is off next week, so I have a fly-by with the NP.

So I am still waiting....
No if only my sinuses would clear, I would have an easier time waiting.


Mrs. Higrens said...

Yay for a lower BP.

I can't believe you are this close. It really seems like it was a couple months ago you announced the BFP.

Hope in Virginia said...

I'm so excited for you as you near the end of this fantastic journey! Hope your sinuses clear out and that baby decides to debut soon!

Nadine said...

Wow! Glad that the BP is down to a more normal level, any day that baby is going to make their debut!!!

Megs said...

I am getting really excited for you!! Glad to hear your BP was lower this week :) I am hoping that mine will be lower tomorrow too...we shall see!

Jamie said...

Waiting with you . . .

Glad your BP was lower!!

Mom Genes said...

Thank you for your comment on our blog. I have enjoyed reading your story and look forward to keeping up with you. Congratulations!