Saturday, January 8, 2011

Thank Goodness!

Baby is finally napping!  We missed our morning nap this morning, and it made mommy a wee bit grumpy.  I really hope that this is not the beginning of the end of the morning nap.  Little Dude fell asleep in my lap, but would not fall asleep in his crib after I moved him.  And it was not for lack of time.  I could hear him in there playing.  He threw stuff out of his crib, chatted with himself, and had a good time.  But no nap.  After a while, I just gave up and got him up.  We then went grocery shopping and then played on the stairs.  I guess that is a fun morning for the baby.

We got snow here, and I probably should have taken a pic of the snow.   (And I guess I still can, as it is still snowing.)  But it is not really that impressive.  I have not been doing so great at taking pics.  I took a few on my droid this past week, and emailed them to people.  But I think in order to be in the spirit of the resolution, I should use my actual camera.  It is a nice camera, and small enough to carry everywhere.  I also ought to post more pics on my blog. 

I have not been doing so great with the vegetarian lunches.  But I have high hopes for next week.  I actually planned a couple of things.  Like salad.  I think I may end up bringing a large bag to work for all the salad stuff.  I do have a lot of reusable shopping bags.  That is the one part I hate about taking salads for lunches.  It is better if you can put them together at lunch, but it is a pain in the ass to drag everything you need to work.  Maybe it is just me.  I also got pita bread, so I could do a veggie sandwich with hummus, and take some fruit and greek yogurt.  That is probably more likely what I will do.  I may also try smoothies.  I have a stick blender, and smoothies can be frozen.  I think this will take some more thought...

Gertrude is doing better after surgery.  She is already starting to get some of her pep back.  She is also starting to concentrate her urine, again.  Which means that she is better able to hold her water!  She has had no accidents since she has been back, which is wonderful for everyone.  She has been spending a lot of time on the couch, which is perfectly fine, as she needs to rest.  The only exercise she gets is going outside to pee.  The vets said to keep her on rest for the first week, so that is right in line with her healing.  And her incision still looks good.  She is not licking at it at all, so it is able to heal well.  I find it amazing that one surgery made her so much better.  I am happy that I get her around a few more

This weekend is mostly relaxing.  Today is slow, and I hope to get to the gym this afternoon.  I also hope to play in my sewing room for a while.  Tomorrow Hubby are going to see True.Grit.  It will be nice to go and see a movie in a theater.  It has been a while since we have done that.  My parents are watching the baby while we are at the movies.  I think it will be a nice time.

Wishing everyone a good weekend!

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