Sunday, December 14, 2008

Pity party over

I think I am done with the moping. I just needed a couple of days to rant and rave. Likely I will need that every cycle I do an IUI. I think I can get on with life now that I know the world is not going to end, and we will try again next cycle. Now I can just focus on getting through the holiday. Hopefully we can get our Christmas tree up today.

I also need to decide which class I want to do with my dog. Other people have children, we have dogs. I think dogs like extracurricular activities, too. I am signing Oscar up for a basic obedience class. Gertrude is a bit more difficult. I was thinking good canine citizen for her. She could use the skills in the class, and will probably gain confidence in more situations, which would be good for her. But I got an email yesterday about an agility handling class. This could be good, also. I could work on things like feet placement and weave poles. Both of these things will help when agility restarts in the spring. I am sort of leaning toward the agility class. That appeals to me, and hopefully will appeal to Gertrude. I suspect any class I do with her will appeal to her.

Last night was a great distraction. We spent a couple of hours hanging out at Annie Moore's and singing along with Scruffy Murphy. I drank several pints of Smithwick's ale, and then had a little bourbon. Hubby had a few pints of Guinness. He was happy because he finally got to hear the song about the Hartlepool monkey. After all of that, we came home and pretty much went right to bed.

I suspect we are getting middle aged. Sigh.


Jessica White said...

I think the pity parties are needed *hugs*

I know we're middle aged: We went out last night to a dance and left at 9:45 (in our defense we did have an hour drive home).

Paula Keller said...

I am catching up, and am so sorry this cycle didn't work out for you. You DO deserve a miricle.

It does sound like you are feeling better this post, from the last.

I think we have passed middle age! I sat home and read a good book last night, and my husband watched tv. :P


Queenie. . . said...

I'm just back from a couple of weeks away, and just catching up. I'm so, so sorry this cycle didn't work out for you.

You're only as old as you think you are!