Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A few pics.

Because I have not posted pics in a while...

He is so damn cute!

All my boys sitting together! I love this pic!


Mrs. Higrens said...

Love how your little one and the dog both have their arms stretched out in front as they are crashed.

Adorable pic!

Hope in Virginia said...

So precious! Is that a boppy you are using in his crib? He looks super comfortable.

Megs said...

Adorable :) And how are the danes doing with the little one? Blaze is a bit jealous still, but slowly getting better! I think he has figured out that this little thing that screams and cries is here to stay for a while. He was actually depressed for a little bit at first and lost about 10 lbs. But he has regained most of it and pretty much back to his old self.

tomi said...

I love how your dog is positioned on your DH's lap with his front paws out :)

Jessica White said...

He is so adorable! Isn't wonderful to see all the ones we love together.

Jamie said...

What a beautiful boy! I have a pic of Hubby feeding Skeeter with one of our kitties looking down from the top of the recliner and it makes my heart melt every time I see it.

I suspect the boys in our lives will continue to make our hearts melt!