Friday, September 4, 2009

I think it is official...

The management at my job are idiots. They apparently cannot distinguish between the following sentences:

1. My grandfather died recently.
2. Hubby's grandfather died recently.

Now I know the above sentences are amazing similar, but there is a distinct difference in the very first word of the sentence. I think it is a very clear difference.

For some asinine reason, management thought that the grandparent who died was not related directly to me. I suspect that is why they gave me a hard time about taking time off. I was talking with the person in charge of making the schedule, and she did not realize it was MY grandfather. Not my hubby's grandfather. Another thing happened which makes me think this, too. Things were so bad at work that they had to call in the person who was covering my two hours. She wanted to make sure that I was going to get off when she came in. Apparently the idiotic charge nurse was under the impression that it was my husband's grandparent. Apparently my managers are idiots who do not listen to their employess. But I guess I sort of knew that already.

Yet another reason not to come back after maternity leave....


annacyclopedia said...

Oh, wow. That is pretty darn brutal. I'm actually just kind of speechless - they need a serious wake up call about how to treat people.

Jaymee said...

that is just sickening. so sorry you had to deal with that on top of everything else.

Shinejil said...

Yeah, there's got to be a better way. Sounds like a new job is in order.

I'm seriously scared that people managing health care seem to be unable to read.